FFP Directors Mottie Omideyi, Modupe Peters, Kemi Olusegun, Shola Oladipo & Precious Oladipo

‘Being Better’

Being Better is the overarching theme that has been embedded into the fabric of Food for Purpose since it was announced at the AGM last December. It serves as a powerful reminder to all of us that every action we take, no matter how small, has the potential to make a difference.

Being Better serves as our guiding principle in everything we do and pushes us to constantly seek improvement, to innovate and find new ways to make a positive impact.

In 2023, this theme will continue to inspire and motivate us as we strive to create meaningful change through the power of faith and food.

How is Food for Purpose
‘Being Better’ as a company?

How am I being better as an individual
in Food For Purpose?

What can we keep doing to be better?

What can we keep doing to be better?